Friday, August 04, 2006

today, screwed -.- not so lah. but abit duno also. no mood to do anything. i'm never gonna go out with junming ever again okay. he got attitude prob one leh. first go invite vincent then later i walk away la cause got misunderstanding between me and him wad. then later he not happy. after that i decided to dun care so i just talk normally to everybody. after that at swiss hotel vincent and junming were like sitting so far away got two seats for them they dun want sit. then later they go eat then they go bugis. then sarah phone no batt then she with me. keep calling my phone asking for her. never say thank you or wad. he just say "can pass the phone to sarah pleasr" like wah lao. its not in a very nice tone leh. damn freaking pissed =.=

then its like i already told vincent nothing is going on. I DUN LIKE HIM . he still like dun want look at me. he didn't even look at me ONCE the whole day. i turn only he will also turn or look down. wats the problem lah. i dun like him. its settled. can't he just understand that simple sentence?!

amanda keeps saying we pangseh her. its who go with mag they all dun even talk to us. we are with the normal group lah. she ownself say she feel weird with us. then become we pangseh her. she dun want come with us one lah. in school see us like see air like that dun even care. then that day bao got choir then june went home. she want stay in school wait for her brother. then suddenly so nice to chia leh. cause she want chia to stay with her. then me and alcinda nice nice decided to be ncie and go meet them. amanda didnt even look at us. like keep looking down. i mean on wednesday i was with her and she still talk lah. its she dun want talk to us then she keep saying you all dun go with me then dun talk to me then i feell weird. wth?! agh.

she has a problem with alcinda lah. but its so obvious that she's jealous of alcinda. actually i'm abit jealuos also. when ever i go out with her, before i meet her i find my dressing it looks okay. but when i meet her, she's just do hot and i feel that my dressing is the suckiest of the suckiest. aiya duno lah its not alcinda's fault also. i mean duno lah!! getting so stressed because of today. lead to so many problems. RAHH! BAD DAY MAN!!


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